Bollywood is always abuzz with gossips and celebrity news coming from all corners. The paparazzi also go crazy in fetching the details whenever a gossip mill comes up or anything happens among the stars and inside Bollywood arena. The fans are supremely curious to learn the details inch-by-inch. These days, the news and the rumors about Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s wedding has been the trend everywhere. Well, the wedding bells for the rumored marriage of the couple are on way, as per online reports and sources.
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The Updates on Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s Wedding
Since the couple has not been very vocal about their rumored relationship, the gossips about their marriage do emerge on the media and all over the web. The reports reveal that the couple is all geared up to walk down the asile next year. The reports also unzip that the wedding ceremony will take place in two cities – Mumbai and Delhi. Weddings in Bollywood always fetch a lot of attention not only in India but also across the globe, as the entertainment industry has mammoth fans all over the world.
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Working is On Way on Marriage Date
The sources reveal that the families of both the stars have started working to match dates. The wedding date is yet to be finalized by the two families. There are rumors about the wedding place mentioning that The Oberoi Sukhvilas in Chandigarh is also on cards for the marriage ceremony since it is quite close to Delhi where Sidharth has his family.
Rumors have it that the couple has plans to throw a lavish party in Mumbai after their marriage.
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Who’s Who on the Guests List?
As per the sources the couple is all set to invite their director and producer friends. The confirmed names on invitations so far include Karan Johar and Ashvini Yardi. They also want to invite their co-stars such as Varun Dhawan, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Jackky Bhagnani, Rakul Preet and others.
Get glued to this space to learn more updates on Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra’s wedding.